
The Banker

Words like financial crisis, bailout, money, billions, trillions, and dollars flow throughout our house these days, the drone of the TV an undercurrent. An empty piggy bank lay on Annie's floor. Its contents, a crumpled dollar bill and an assortment of coins, sit on her nightstand. The mention of a quick trip to the convenience store for milk causes her to spring into action. "Don't worry, Dad," she reassures. "If you need some money you can use mine."

My sweet, generous little girl.


Anonymous said...

She is so sweet! They have a few coins and think they are set! I love it.

Lori at Spinning Yellow said...

She is sweet. If only those coins could really help ....

Amy from Occupation: Mommy said...

What a sweetheart to put those ideas all together that way.

Osh said...

Love! She is a delightful girl for sure!

kristen spina said...

What a sweetheart. I love the complete innocence of it all. Give her a hug!

jess said...

such a doll. so um, he took it right?

Casdok said...

Awww bless!

Anonymous said...

that is the dearest! if only our leaders would show one fraction of that generosity and heart.

Maddy said...

Some damned fine instincts she has there.
Best wishes